Methamphetamine Abuse
A highly addictive stimulant with severe health risks, requiring professional rehab for recovery.
Methamphetamine, commonly known as meth, is a highly addictive stimulant that significantly impacts the central nervous system. It produces intense euphoria, increased energy, and heightened alertness but also leads to severe health risks and long-term consequences. Chronic methamphetamine use can result in methamphetamine addiction, characterised by compulsive drug-seeking behaviour and an inability to control use despite adverse effects. The drug can cause a range of physical and psychological issues, including severe dental problems (“meth mouth”), skin sores, paranoia, hallucinations, and cognitive impairments. For those struggling with substance use related to methamphetamine, methamphetamine rehab is crucial.
Effective methamphetamine rehab programmes typically include a combination of medical detoxification, behavioural therapy, and support groups to address both the physical dependence and psychological aspects of addiction. Seeking comprehensive treatment through methamphetamine rehab is essential for overcoming addiction and achieving long-term recovery and improved overall health.