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When It’s Time To Get Help: The Top 8 Signs of Substance Abuse

Monday, March 6th, 2023

With social drinking and recreational cannabis consumption being relatively common, it could be difficult to identify when you or someone you love may have a problem. Here are the 8 critical signs to look out for according to the American Psychiatric Association’s diagnostic criteria for Substance Use Disorders. These difficulties must be present for a minimum of twelve months to be considered a disorder, however, possessing any one of them for any amount of time could become problematic.

  1. Using the substance for longer periods or in larger quantities than was originally intended.
  2. Spending much time in the act of acquiring, using, or recovering from the use of the substance.
  3. Experiencing significant urges and cravings to use the substance. 
  4. Failing to fulfill responsibilities and duties in one’s work, home, and social life due to the substance.
  5. Disengaging from activities previously enjoyed (such as social, work-related, or leisure commitments), to spend more time consuming the substance and engaging in substance-related activities.
  6. Continuing to use the substance despite it causing:
    1. Danger to the self
    2. Problems in relationships
    3. Physical or psychological damage that is either attributed to or worsened by the substance
  7. Developing a tolerance to the substance: i.e. needing to consume more and more of the substance to achieve the desired effect.
  8. Experiencing withdrawal symptoms that can only be remedied by consuming more of the substance.

Be honest with yourself and your loved ones. If you believe you or someone close to you may be suffering with a substance abuse problem, you are not alone. We can help you identify your challenges and get the support you need. Call us today (514) 738-2639.

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